Central Park
Brand Personality
Brand Thoughtbook / Guidelines
Collateral Development
Identity Signage
Wayfinding Systems
Comprehensive Sign Planning
Central Park
Located in Fredericksburg, Virginia, Central Park is a 2.5 million-square-foot mixed-use power center, featuring a wide variety of restaurants and retail, hotel, office, and entertainment uses. BCT Design Group created an updated brand identity and developed a new wayfinding system to bring unity to the vast site. Capitalizing on the equity of the name, a simple floral icon and brandmark were created that could be easily modified in color or tone to represent each district. With the new brand in place, plans were devised to revitalize the site in phases. The site was divided into seven districts to orient patrons on the site; each district assigned a color that would correspond with the wayfinding program.
Over the years, multiple signage systems were installed by the site’s various owners, seemingly on top of one another, leading to confusion and frustration. A new comprehensive signage plan was implemented under the new brand, which removes the visual clutter and provides unified gateways that welcome visitors, directional signs that lead to the heart of Central Park, and help navigation to specific tenants. The design provides clear, concise information framed in a modern design. The scope included vehicular and pedestrian signage and the renovation coordination of the two giant Pylons currently on-site.