Khalifa Mall
Al-Mansour City, Baghdad, Iraq
2,507,905 sf / 232,992 sm - total gba
558,819 sf / 51,916 sm - retail
184,364 sf / 17,128 sm - f+b
126,250 sf / 11,729 sm - entertainment
295,416 sf / 27,445 sm - hospitality/hotel
558,819 sf / 51,916 sm - retail
184,364 sf / 17,128 sm - f+b
126,250 sf / 11,729 sm - entertainment
295,416 sf / 27,445 sm - hospitality/hotel
Taj Khalifa
Khalifa Mall
Khalifa Mall project is a mixed-use development located on a plot of 46,236 m2 in Al-Mansour City, Baghdad, Iraq. The project is divided into three operational phases and five construction phases. The first two phases are composed of two adjacent and connected buildings dedicated to shopping, entertainment, and food-and beverage (F&B) outlets. The third operational phase will host a tower hotel with public areas on the roof of the mall. The objective is to design a truly unique concept, architectural design to differentiate the mall from its immediate and expected future competitors. The mall shall be an iconic attraction in Baghdad and shall excel for its shopping, entertainment and food-and-beverage (F&B) offering.